Sunday, July 19, 2009

CityDog Market!

I went to the coolest place today called CityDog Market. One of the only places nearby that sell Wellness brand pet foods, they also have a do it yourself dog-wash that has marble steps leading to the porcelain human-waist high tub! Oh, and did I mention the high-quality shampoos, conditioners, and fluffy towels that are yours to use? (Just don't tell Susie, who endured a bath in the very ordinary bathtub at home with the old towels to dry off...) Lest you think this is a fancy-schmancy place, the "store dog" is named "Big Daddy," and is... ahem... not fancy-schmancy. Fresh bowls of water are inside and outside of the store, and for the humans, plenty of smiles and friendly faces. -Jenny

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