Saturday, April 21, 2012

Parker's First Christmas (Part 1)

On December 22nd, Parker, Mommy, and Daddy drove up North to visit Mommy's family for Christmas. Parker took a long 2+ hour nap on the drive, and was in a wonderful mood when we arrived.
He enjoyed sitting on Meme's lap and watching her lighted angel decoration.
 Poppa Beezley got Parker a funny animated toy. It had something special in the lasso!
Aunt Hope, Ella, and Parker
Uncle Mike opening a gift from Parker, Mommy, and Daddy.
Fun with Daddy before bed!
Parker missed out on most of the gift opening due to bedtime. Mommy and Daddy did a good job opening and admiring his gifts, though.

Playing with Meme the next morning.

Visiting with Papaw.
Parker got to visit his great Aunts before we headed back home to Zionsville. Great Aunt Betty was visiting from Kentucky, so we went to Great Aunt Cheryl's house to visit with the two of them.
Great Aunt Betty is funny!
Parker with his brave Great Aunt Cheryl. Aunt Cheryl is battling breast cancer, and was undergoing chemotherapy during the holiday season. Aunt Betty is a breast cancer survivor, as well!
Parker did well with his first Christmas celebration! It was nice to spend time with family celebrating Christ's birth with our new son!

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