Tuesday, March 27, 2012

October 25, 2011 One Month Old!

Parker is One Month Old!
He weighs 10 lbs, 4.5 oz. (Up over 3 lbs from his hospital discharge!)
He is 21.5" long
He wears size 1 diapers, and 0-3 month clothes.
He is getting very close to smiling meaningfully at us!
A dear friend, Katrina, visited from North Carolina on the 25th. She brought Parker some very nice Duke/N. Carolina gear, and sang a lovely song for him! He found her positively mesmerizing.
There were lots of nice evenings spent snuggling with Daddy, of course!
On October 26, Aunt Linda, Meme, and Papaw came to visit. Grammy came to visit, too.
It was much harder on Mommy to transition Parker to his crib. He seems quite comfortable sleeping in his room!
Someone is really filling out! Dr. Santos commented on how his cheeks were "coming in" at his one month well check!
One of Parker's favorite pasttimes now is "working out" in his play gym. Grammy and Riley picked it out for him.
Parker takes careful note of what Daddy has to tell him.
I can hardly believe we've been blessed with this beautiful child for a whole month already. I can scarcely remember life before him. I'm thankful every day for his good health and sweet spirit. Bryan and I love being the parents of this little boy!

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