Bryan's Aunt Sharon and Uncle Russell graciously extended an invitation to join them, along with Sharon's brother, Barry, for Thanksgiving dinner. So, we drove up to Summerville, Georgia (about 80 miles north of Atlanta) to spend the day.
Though Russell and Sharon eat vegetarian ordinarily, they prepared a delicious Turkey breast, and Russell did a fine job carving!
There was a delicious assortment of sides prepared by Russell, Sharon, and Barry, that included green bean casserole, stuffing, mashed potatoes, homemade noodles, cranberry sauce (two varieties!), and broccolli and cauliflower gratin. There were several desserts, including a sweet potatoe pie I made.
Though attractive to look at, the sweet potatoe pie was far too sweet to be enjoyable. There was a scrumptious pumpkin pie, and apple bread as well.
We got a kick out of Sharon's super-sized egg one of her hens layed.
After dinner, we took some scraps of food down to the hens and rooster. They got so excited to see the green pail Sharon and Russell carry scraps down in!
There are also two guinea fowl, who were loose terrorizing the chickens. I took these pictures of the chickens while Russell, Sharon, and Bryan rounded up the guineas. I later realized I hadn't gotten a picture of the guineas!
The hens pecked and scratched at the yummy food scraps.
Buffy, notorious for her "talking", had a lot to say about the feast.
Sharon also threw some cracked corn, which Buddy the Rooster couldn't resist.
Buddy is the grand, gray barred one in the center.
And below, a good view of Buddy.
Sharon showed us her greenhouse, where inside it looked like peak growing season, despite being November 26th!
There were rows of delicious lettuce...
And even eggplant!
We were all surprised to see Jasmine blossoming at the end of November as well.
Though past its prime for the year, the Beauty Berry Bush was still very pretty.
And all the while, Sally the devoted dog was enjoying being petted and spending time with her family and visitors.
The last time we were up to visit, the weather was rainy and dreary. It was geat this time, walking around and enjoying the beautiful view.
We drove home after dessert and coffee to spend some time with our two girls, and prepare their special turkey dinners.
Kitty enjoyed some turkey dinner with garden vegetables (left), and Susie, some Caesar's Turkey with meaty juices (right).
Both enjoyed dinner, though Susie felt her portion was a little meager.
It was good to end the day together. We sure have a lot to be thankful for!
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